I have a very remote understanding of you; yet, seemingly it is so easy to access your thoughts in a split second, and fully comprehending what it is you want, creating a seamless, straightforward link of knowing to responding. It should be a neat little gift, and of late I have been recognising it and using it to maximum effect. Would you call that abusing a gift?
15 seconds ago I appreciate being able to conceive an idea and putting them in words. 15 seconds after, I think everyone around me should leave that be. I feel exhausted over people's needs, or should I say, I have been exhausted over the needs of people...[pause]
2 conditions to put it away: you think of putting it away and therefore you do; you cannot keep it and therefore you do.
I have a craving.
And absolutely close to destroying something.
And I have a craving, a manic desire that's been brewing since last week after returning to civilisation. And believe me, nothing is coincidental till it becomes accidental. I drew a white line across my tunnel vision to put the dots together today, trying to figure out a manifesto of mine own direction; as it turned out, I created a pentagram of reforged ideas.
I'll always remember rushing across that metallic bridge carrying half a load with someone whom dropped it halfway and caused me to fall forward, nearly breaking my back; yet, I was... made responsible for it by someone who disfavored me. I seeked no redress nor did I used that as an excuse to change a job. But I'd always remember how I was blamed for that incident; I'd always remember how the tears fell uncontrollably that second I hit the floor flat; I'd always remember how that surge of pain in the lower back felt; I'd always remember how unapologetic it had been; I'd always remember to pay back.
Twice as hard.
Ha~ You called red cheap. I heard that.
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