Thursday, April 13, 2006


I spent a good deal of time with Godpa today for once - not that I'm against that, but it's nice to hang out with a man who's constantly outta town, busy, not available or somewhere along those lines. So I finally asked him this question: with all these people who go to him for help, what does he really feel?

He thought for a moment, and finally offered: "It's really sad sometimes when I hear all the misfortunes, and some are really bad."

The conversation went on about how it comes about and how he helps out. But it just kind of made me think for a moment: does he ever get tired or sick of it? Not that I resent it - it's his job to help given all that power - but for a mere mortal empowered, all that work is really straining. I mean, he was in Indonesia recently and caught a slight flu, which was irritating his throat and lungs real bad (you should hear him cough OMG), all that to help those sick and distressed.

We are all in our places I'm sure, but seeing him all tired out, yet, still human, it's hard not to think about how to give him time to relax, especially when he's the strength for many. And I mean, really many.

For all he has done, I'm grateful.

Hey, how come nobody offered any donations for my ticket? Cause not important enough or story still too polished? Do I need to pretend that I need A-B+O type blood to prevent my excessive bleeding from a sneeze before I get some sympathy?!

My eyes are so voluntarily closing... I'll try harder tomorrow. And what's with people changing blogs and adding new addresses and all?

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