Wednesday, September 01, 2010


I was just surfing the web, watching some videos of Amita's performances, and got on to some recent footage of her win at an awards show. I like Amita a lot - for one, she's humble enough to admit that she's working really hard because she loves to sing, but on the other hand, she's not afraid to fail and to keep trying.

Then I kind of looked at myself - have I tried enough? Strangely, I started wondering what it's like to win a prize. But more importantly, what does it take to win a prize.

Mediocre and untrained. That's pretty much about me. My craft is basic, and my hearing is going. What will it take for me to win a prize? And, will I ever win one? What will I say when I get one if I ever? When will that be?

I've been to some nice glitzy prize ceremonies, and honestly, looking at some predecessors receiving awards when they're old and grey doesn't feel too good. A lifetime of work, and only a moment of glory too late into their years. Once, an ex-instructor of mine who was teaching a bunch of us ad-hoc in our school band previously, received an award after getting off his wheel chair, in his ripe age of 80. It was late, but it never was too late to some. Thing is, would it be worthwhile getting one by then?

Let's focus on one thing: do I qualify. I dare say, not this life. The truth has moved on, but I guess it can't be helped to keep wishing. And point is, if wishes come true, and dreams are realised, then wishes and dreams don't exist. If they do, they are what they are.

What's with being poignant about it? It's all about keeping yourself alive, and surviving life itself. Goodnight cyberspacemen.

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