Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I'm just kinda slow at making things up these days. It seems hard to just sit and lament anymore, knowing I've got tons of backlog to clear at the office. And being pressed for things isn't exactly very ideal nor conducive to be working within.

So it's Tuesday, and I completely forgot about it? I called home asking if Mom was at her dance club, and Mom picked up the phone. "It's Tuesday, not Wednesday!" I just slapped my forehead.

And for the first time in days, I went home hungry, so that I can tuck into the dinner spread prepared for today's occasion - the Qu Yuan Festivities. Mom insisted I get my ass back home for all the food, and I just promptly finished up and left. It's been a long day. Well, perhaps the coming weeks will reel in better sunshine.

Friday, June 01, 2007


I don't know. Maybe I'm whining. Maybe I'm complaining. But that's how it is. I honestly love my job, I just hate the way I'm being used sometimes for my expertise that had me days in school, months in learning, years in training, decades in looking for the better solution. And what do I end up with? Conceding to favors.

Not that its a bad thing, I don't mind helping out if I have the time seriously. But pushing me hard over a favor isn't exactly very conducive to work things out. For one, it eats up time, adds stress, and tense the situation like a blob of jelly squeezed into a test-tube. Yeah sure, we've all survived it before, but its just being demanding that I hate.

And I already can expect the end formula, a warm smile and a big thank you. What am I?! A static doll with moving arms to get a piece of work done, get thrown about, and when its finished, I'm the greatest?!

Utter Bull.

I've had just about enough going Pro Bono. I sure can help, but I sure can't stand tyrannical behaviors laced with sweet scents of gorgeous niceties. It's disgusting.

I guess what brought me to bitch about myself is sitting here, typing away, eating out of a cup noodle mixed with beer at fucking 2am in the morning. Isn't it pathetic? I work so darn hard yet get bossed around by puny non-payers and got to be home eating chow.

Oh, and the bigger is coming in June, where everything and everyone's gonna be a tupperware party that is plastic to the core. I think I've found enough excuses on others' behalf to clean their own shit.


Vesak Day for the last couple years have been the same - will always be at Godpa's prayers. Funny thing was, I overheard a lady asking (presumedly) her boyfriend why I was given a white amulet while the rest gets a colored one.

I was kinda embarassed cos I was taking up everyone's time for a bit. But thinking back, I should have just turned round and said, "Cos I needed more help!" LOL

Well, she had her blatant attempt to right her feelings of being inferior today. But I guess, if the heart is where it is supposed to be today, she will know better. Of course, telling her who she was kneeling in front of was really tempting...

Oh did I mention the Chinatown Hotel boss has a really mean temper? Kenny and I wrapped at the studio about 2 plus yesterday morning, and had some munchies at the Mac, then, realizing how packed the roads were with hopeful taxi flaggers. Anyway, that's not the point. We were trying to get a cab when this stupid drunk dragged his girl up the hotel entrance, and moments later, he got chased downstairs.

Now normally I see the boss as a really nice and patient guy, you know, hotel owner, customer service, you get the point. But this ass must have said something that seriously pissed him off, that he was yelling profanities at the top of his lungs in the middle of the street!

The best part - while the couple stumbled off, he threw a glass at them! It splattered all across the road, and he was still screaming at the couple! And to get that man angry, I can't imagine what that guy did man!

Still, when we couldn't flag a cab down, we called for one, and headed back to the studio to wait. Guess what? The boss walked towards the direction of where the couple stumbled off to, and was so obviously trying to nail his ass! OMG! This is one pissed guy!

Drama for a change I suppose, though I get that alot round the area, just never really seen one from script to film end. Ha.


Can I just ask, out of curiosity: how many of you will actually buy the next Nightsound album? Or you won't buy before you sample, or you wouldn't even consider it? Or worse, who's Nightsound?