Tuesday, April 03, 2012


When I was younger I had a horrendous temper that got me all worked up each time something displeases me. For now, I've mellowed much through my music and writings, musings and sprouts. Tonight, it's just a sweaty workout even though I haven't had enough sleep. Or maybe I did.

I don't know. Feels like flying right now.

I'm thinking if I should go to the garage tomorrow morning. It's quite therapeutic watching Meng Wee getting checked and improved. I just stare, and he gets tinkered. Not everyone's cup of tea I know, but well. I love Meng Wee cos he's one of those things I wished I had when I was younger.

And Meng Wee looks gorgeous no matter how sick he is.

Why am I so sure Meng Wee's a boy? Well. He's got a temper like me. And he really pisses me off when he's down with a flu or cough. And he gets pissed with me when I don't run him fast enough, and getting stuck in needless jams.

Maybe I should find a time to show his masculine lines! Lol.