Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I wonder if I should actually admire or denounce them - on one hand they are chancing upon great things that mean to them. But on the other, in the context of building that chance upon others' losses, it suddenly don't quite deserve my respect, particularly when that respect was built on trust, faith, or a simple believe.

I must say, whatever was due to happened, has. So I shouldn't really complain. And I suddenly realize how much people hate me. I'm not paranoid, but faced with hard facts and cold truths, or so some had claimed, I think I should take a couple more steps back and watch the skies, and not wish it fall down just because I think so.

My elementary teacher was right: to be a leader, is to set the best example. I'm just about that bad egg she said I was, amongst the many hatched ones that have gone on to great and mighty things.

Tonight feels like another episode of a stale drama serial, filled with mundane sorrow of the common kind. Perhaps I'm just as common as the patched paint on worn walls, nothing special, nothing new. I'm losing confidence all of a sudden, and chance has nothing to do with it. I think it's about time I took a break to grief proper on the demise of realism, my realism amidst surrealism. Wait, wishful thoughts would be a better description. Congrats.

I want to relive myself in a better light. Really.

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